Wednesday, March 18

#5 They Think They Are Hotter Than They Actually Are

Do you wonder why you are not getting the respect you deserve from the ladies? Do girls tend to be "busy" when you call? Do you find yourself ward-hopping on Sundays because you don't think the girls in your congregation are up to par? Are you waiting in line after sacrament meeting to talk to your next target? When you finally get your turn, does she continually glance over your shoulder instead of meeting your gaze straight on?

Well, guess what, it's probably not because she is really worried about being late for Sunday School. If you have answered yes to these questions, you are probably a single Mormon guy in your late 20's who thinks you are hotter than you actually are.

I'm not just talking about looks here. The 1-10 scale includes the total package, and the truth is that women are very forgiving when it comes to looks. That is why inside and outside of Mormondom, you see beautiful woman with average looking husbands. However, (and this is important) just because you are single and and served a mission, doesn't mean that you aren't still a 2 looking for a 10.

What exactly do you think you have to offer this #10? Do you think she will be impressed with your Halo skills? Or your "plans" for some future scheme which will eventually make you rich? (You are already 29, the future is now.) Do you think she is looking for a guy whose apartment smells like trash? Or who skips his ward every week to scope out new blood? Does she want to hang with a guy who is still sharing a bedroom? Or drive him around all the time because he doesn't own a car? Think again.

Also, that #10 is probably just as shallow as you are. She is looking for a good-looking guy who is confident, makes more money than she does, has other hobbies besides watching Sports Center until 2:00 am and doesn't consider The Olive Garden an appropriate dinner date. (But what about those breadsticks!)

My advice today: Do something to improve your rating and stop aiming for the 10. There are plenty of 5s and 6s out there that would happy to go out with you and are still way out of your league.


  1. What's wrong with Olive Garden?? Why do so many girls feel the need to have expensive dates? I'm sorry but McDonalds is always fine by me. It really shouldn't matter where the guy takes you. I prefer those dates where we grab fast food and watch a movie at home...and hey I got married at 20...guess it works to be picky on a guy and not the type of date!

  2. I see your point, but I think that core of this mentality is that people are overly concerned about finding the perfect person and not BEING the perfect person. It works both ways. Guys and girls both do it. They get so worked up about finding the right person or checking picky qualifications off of their lengthy list of expectations that they forget to work on themselves and their own problems.

    And as far as going for the 10 is concerned, I find that it is better to go out with an array of people than to restrict oneself to one person in sacrament meeting. You can learn something from everyone.

  3. Yes! Why can't pudgy dumpy guys be happy with the pudgy dumpy girls. If each would go for someone who is of their caliber there would be a lot less single people and they probably would actually make eachother happy.

    1. What if I have hair on my back, a small penis (my goat seems to be happy) and pimples on my butt.

  4. haha I love how bitter this blog is trying to get back at the

  5. Gotta love bitter women....haha

  6. Let's revisit the Mormon Scale of Attractiveness.

  7. from your sister site ( we learned, don't expect a Mercedes Benz when you are a Ford Focus.

  8. Wow... I know the real reason you're still single. You're a hypocritical jerk. All of your posts are about how guys are shallow and you start spouting off junk about how all guys are fat and bald, and how "you see beautiful woman with average looking husbands." You say guys think they are hotter than they are? You need a serious reality check. I hope I never have the displeasure to go out with you or anyone like you. And the person who said you were bitter was 100% accurate.

  9. Hey Anon,

    Growing up in the church we were taught that if we want to marry a certain person we have to be that person first. We can't expect to marry a scriptorian if we never read our scriptures. The same goes for looks. Many dudes aim for women who are out of their league in the church because they believe they are going after who they are. That's all this entry is talking about. It's telling the dudes to get real about where they are on the attractiveness scale and date women who are where they are on that scale. What's so hard to understand about that?

    And I don't blame the author if she is bitter. Have you ever dated 14 Mormon men? It's distasteful, depressing, and not encouraging. I stopped dating in the Church because the men were so awful in relationships. So many showed up with a mental laundry list of things I needed to change to meet their standards on like the 3rd date. Dating in the Church affected my testimony and my activity level. Having to enforce LDS standards with a non-member is a lot easier than putting up with the crap I experienced dating Mormon men.

    Don't judge the author of this blog until you've walked a mile in her shoes. Or any Mormon woman's shoes for that matter.

  10. Um...I have walked in a mormon woman's fact I am a mormon woman. Who has dated MANY mormon men. And I have had a very happy and fulfilling life dating mormon men until I got married. And now I have a VERY happy life with an amazing mormon man who is everything I have wanted. And this author is bitter.

  11. Are you the same Brittany from above that got married at 20?

    If you are, you're not old enough to understand this author's perspective. And you couldn't have dated that many "MEN" at your age. Have you dated someone who is divorced? Has kids? A 35-year-old bachelor? In the closet?

    After 25 the pickings get more interesting and more difficult.

    These entries are based on EXPERIENCE. If it never happened it couldn't be written.

  12. Yes actually. I have always dated men who were much older. 30's or so. My husband is 5 years older than me and that is about the closest in age I have dated since I was 16. I have dated many AMAZING men in the church. Most of whom are all happily married by now. Don't be so closed-minded.

  13. I mean this in the nicest way possible when I say what I'm about to say to you. You had 2 years of adult dating experiences. I have a decade on you. I've dated all over the US inside and outside the Church.

    I think I'm the one who is being open-minded and I think you are naive. Be happy in your marriage but recognize that you are lucky. You are not normal. Count your blessings.

    And to anyone else who seems to go nowhere dating Mormon men let's put this in perspective. According to the World Fact Book provided by the CIA there are millions more men than women in the world between the ages of 15 and 64. There are literally over 3 billion men in the world. If you are having issues finding a man who you can start a life with amongst the 6.5 million Mormon men maybe you should consider that there are over 3 billion other men out there.

  14. the two FREAKS who are debating on who has more "dating experience" need to grow up. Get over yourselves. And Ms. seem like a pathetic bitter freak of a woman. NO WONDER you're still single. What it really sounds like to me is you're the one with the issue. If you walk into a date thinking "this crazy mormon man has issues and is going to be holding me up to standards...blah blah blah blah blah" then he's obviously going to ask you a question that makes you think that. And if you think life experience comes from dating then you've got another thing coming my friend.

    But you'll just ignore my comments and go on thinking you know more then everyone because you've dated men who were divorced, had kids, in the closet...whatever.

    and if you're 30-32 and not married yet, which I'm assuming is true because you have a whole decade on "know nothing" 20 year old married Brittany then I feel kind of bad for you. I'm sure Brittany has learned a whole lot more then you in her married years then you have in your single years. Because let me tell you, it's about 50 million times harder to be married then single.

    But I wouldn't expect you to know anything about that because Brittany and I have about 2 years up on you about that.

    Let me recap. Anonymous: bitter freak woman, still single because of said description, and knows next to nothing about being married. Good luck in your pathetic single life where you seem too bitter to enjoy it.

  15. Lessons you've attempted to teach me:

    1. Don't be shallow
    2. Don't be cheap
    3. Don't have unrealistic expectations for the appearance of my significant other.

    As you've attempted to teach me these lessons, you've made comments about how the Olive Garden isn't high class enough for you (you're the opposite of cheap) and comments about guys being bald and overweight (you're shallow for focusing on outward appearances). You're comical, but not for the reasons you think.

    Lessons I've actually learned:

    1. You are a hypocrit

  16. This isn't productive.

  17. *new anonymous here*

    WhitneyRaye: The woman with a decade of dating experience (from my pov) did not come off as exceptionally bitter and definitely not as a freak. If anything, she has a message of hope in that there are lots of nice non-mormon men out there (potential converts!) and that no one should fall into despair because the pool of mormon men can be pretty depressing. I'd guess you're a spoiled, sheltered Utah clone, whose sole objection in life was getting paired off, but hey - I've never met you. maybe you only come off as a judgmental jerk online.

    dear anonymous: I'm sure that you (like many of the other unmarried upper 20s-lower 30s fabulous, educated, successful women that I know) are a wonderful person who has simply been a victim of the unfortunate gender ratio. Good luck converting one!!

    and sir other anonymous: gotta love inadvertent comedy. it's spelled hypocrite

  18. yah...I'm not from Utah, and actually I grew up in bigger diverse cities...but nice try. I'm barely even mormon to be honest and have been inactive for the past year. And believe me, she came off as a know it all. Just like you did.
    and I didn't plan nor want to get paired off (but life happens and sometimes plans change) and education and success are just as important to me as you, although you seem to think I'm a fool who doesn't even value myself

    And believe me if I was more into church I would be ALL about converting people, but not so I can marry them, more so they can be happy and find the "truth" as you people cal it (but hey thats just me)

    I have dated PLENTY of non-mormon guys in my life and have enjoyed being with them as much as Mormon guys. I wonder why I don't see them as such a poor pool though. Maybe it's all in your attitude. Some women seem to walk around thinking EVERYONE is not good enough for them. That's just sad to me.

    Oh I think you should run you're little date the non-members to convert them idea by the bishop...I wonder how church leadership feels about that. (I have only known a handful of people who successfully had their partners convert after marriage...and that was after YEARS of work) Good luck though. And I encourage you to date whomever your heart desires, but don't go ripping on other people because they had relationships with mormon men work out and you didn't.

    And no, I didn't get married in the temple, so PLEASE I beg you, DO NOT lump me in with those Utah clones. I APOLOGIZE if I came off that way

  19. what? you mean the assumptions I made about your life from reading a comment on a blog were WRONG?! imagine that

    I have seen far too many very wonderful women struggling with the prospect of going through life alone because they won't compromise their faith - that's hard enough without facing attacks/assumptions that there must be something wrong with you.

  20. you're right. That must be difficult. I'm sorry I made assumptions that they were bitter crazy marriage obsessed women.

    To be honest I always felt that I married too young and have felt a desire to go back to the single life at times. I mean I love the person I'm with but we made VERY poor decisions in the beginning of our relationship which lead to a marriage that was rushed. I always blamed it on the LDS church because I felt I had no decision, because I had made mistakes and wanted to be with this person I HAD to get married to "make myself pure again"

    I figured I would share maybe why I acted like such an insensitive witch. I'm sorry. I do feel as though some unmarried women act better then others but sometimes I can see it's a front.

    I have had very bad experiences with a sister-in-law that is in her 30's an unmarried. She's very bitter and rude about things to me and I think I project her onto many other unmarried women, which is wrong and I'm sorry I generalized.

    Really I need to stop being so hateful, maybe get off the blogging websites and go get a life. This has motivated me to maybe spend less time on my laptop and more time on my character to be honest. Thanks for challenging me and helping me to see how terrible I was acting.

  21. I'm glad to know that my interpretation of your personality was so absolutely wrong :) It's so easy to get carried away on the internet saying things that we'd never say in real life.

    that said, I can totally understand how experience with bitter, angry old ladies can spoil your perception of a whole group - it's probably similar to my disdain for utah clones that we both seem to hold. If everyone in the church could learn to be less judgmental towards so called 'sinners' as well as people who don't fall into the classic, married-by-20 Mormon world, there'd be a hell of a lot less 'less-active' members out there.

  22. "and sir other anonymous: gotta love inadvertent comedy. it's spelled hypocrite"

    This is what people do when they can't respond to an argument--they point out typos. Sorry, I don't proof my blog comments. That's like me telling you the first words of sentences should be capatalized.

  23. Whitney,

    This is the anonymous from above that you so graciously insulted. I'm not offended that you made so many assumptions about me based on so little information. I've gotten used to it. When you are almost 30 you get used to people assuming why you aren't married and most of them are completely off-base.

    I do think it's funny that you said I know nothing about marriage when I never talked about marriage or how marriage works. I talked about my experience in dating.

    My main point was missed earlier. I wasn't trying to make Brittany feel bad for having a marriage work with a Mormon man. If anything I was trying to point out that she is blessed. I was mostly trying to defend the author for having normal reactions to bad dating experiences with Mormon men. I was saying that I don't blame her if she is bitter. Dating Mormon men who you don't want to marry for over 10 years is hard. That's a lot of heartbreak to endure.

    I want to add that I actually really enjoy being single and that's the main reason I'm not married. I'm looking for someone who is an improvement from my single status and so far I haven't met him. I've never been in a rush to get married despite having a few guys who have wanted to marry me and some chastity issues. I've never been one to romanticize marriage and family because it's hard work. And with the wrong partner it's even harder work. Don't get me wrong, I would trade being single for being married to the right person this second, but I wouldn't trade being single for being married to just anybody.

    I do get angry when I see women who got married young who can't empathize with the frustrations of the women who didn't. Or who assume that we're envious of their marriage and who can't imagine us being really happy single. And maybe some of that came out in my comments with Brittany. And I apologize to any young-marrieds who were offended.

    And I do have a lot of bitterness toward the Mormon dating scene but not dating in general. Instead of trying to work out my bitterness in that area I accepted it and I date where I'm happier. I'm very unconventional in my thinking and behavior. That's scary for the majority of Mormon men and that's where the laundry list comes into play. If you don't think like Mormon culture many people in the Church assume that you are lax about the real Gospel. The men outside the Church I date are looking for an unconventional woman with morals. I fit that description.

    And to answer your question about what my bishop thinks about me dating outside the Church I've never had a bishop against it. It's a reality when you live outside of the West. You either make do with the Mormon options you have or you look elsewhere. I've never dated someone outside of the Church expecting them to convert. If that's what they want that's fine. If they don't that's fine, too. I've known many couples who manage to stay married despite being different religions.

    And the other anonymous was right. I was trying to remind women that they have options. I've seen too many sisters remain single because they think they are sinning to marry outside the Temple. Or even settling. That's a really sad place to be. A very hopeless place to be. There are a lot of good men out there who are waiting to meet good women.

  24. This blog is boring. The other one at least had some humor mixed in with the bitter, and he's quitting. Let's hope you do the same.

  25. Warning: Rude, judgemental comment coming. Of the maybe 50 girls I know who are over 30 and single, 40 of them are incredibly lame and/or high-maintenance bitches, 2 are ridiculously intelligent & beautiful and nice but just haven't found the right guy, 3 are ridiculously intelligent and nice but not beautiful so guys don't give them a chance, 1 is a lesbian, 2 are divorced and back on the market, 1 has had plenty of opportunity but is just afraid of committment, and the last one is agoraphobic. I'm just saying, most girls that are over 30 suck, with some exceptions obviously. I feel bad for men for the awful selection they have to choose from.

    1. Warning: Rude, judgmental comment coming.

      In my time attending singles wards, I've been in wards full of women who are through school, have careers and their lives together, some have multiple college degrees, and some even served missions.

      Meanwhile, the guys are still working on their general education courses 10+ years after getting home from their missions, they're unemployed and living in their mother's basements watching cartoons all day, their hygiene is questionable at best, they're incredibly out of shape, and are completely full of themselves. Some are divorced, some have domestic violence charges against them, some have even been arrested and have felonies and/or a bad record that keeps them from doing anything.

      Most guys that are over 30 suck, with some exceptions, obviously.

      I feel bad for women for the awful selection they have to choose from.

  26. Do yourself a favor Molly Mormon and all the other Mormon singles girls out there trying to get married...

    Get out of the mormon church, just leave it. Your life will be so much better and you will be so much happier.

    Leaving the church was the best thing I've ever done.

    Not long after I got out, I found my boyfriend and he's amazing.

    That is my advice.

  27. Why are married women commenting on here? They're married. What do you care? As for cheap dates--I loved McDonald's when I was 20. I'm 31 now, and I make enough money to take myself out to a nice dinner. I don't really care where the guy takes me, so long as he makes me laugh. If I want a nice dinner, I'll buy myself a nice dinner. I don't judge a guy on how much money he spends because he knows his budget. Most women are looking for a nice guy who wants to show the girl a good time. I don't judge that. But I will say this--there's a difference between impressing a 20 year old girl and impressing a 31 year old woman. A 25 year old guy is going to take you to McD's. But if that same guy at 35, after being in a career for 10 years takes you to McD's, I might second guess his feelings for me. I'd still have a wonderful time and enjoy my mcflurry, but I'd definitely question his interest in me.

    And then I'd take myself out to the Carlyle.

  28. Hmm. I'd like to say something from the male perspective.

    1. Any girl that isn't "ok" with Olive Garden will be kicked to the curb by most guys. It isn't about the guy not having enough money to take you somewhere nicer... It just means that he doesn't like you enough to drop more coin on you. Get over it.

    2. Someone said that a female who is fabulous, successful and educated is not married because of gender ratio. That is completely inaccurate for a number of reasons. In the USA, Active LDS Females aged 20-35 outnumber the active LDS men 2 to 1.

    3. If you are (in your own mind) a fabulous, educated and successful woman and not married at 31, you're not as fabulous as you think you are.

    4. This article was written by a bitter woman who cannot get a date with Mormon guys because of her attitude. I can tell you right now from reading her blog that her attitude will be projected and sensed by others around her. This in turn will prevent any possibility of a happy future for a relationship.

    5. To the lady saying she has "over a decade more experience" in the dating world then the other girl, you should really take some time for self evaluation. After over twelve years of dating, you've learned nothing. You are still completely clueless about dating and relationships. You tell her that she is clueless, but SHE IS MARRIED. YOU ARE ALONE. It has taken the other girl 2 years to learn what you still haven't figured out after 12.

    6. Brittany - You are absolutely right and I agree with you 100%. That is why you are happy and the other girls on here are lonely and miserable.

    7. If a man wants to date you, he'll do it. Let him set his sights high and date girls that are 10's. What do you care? Who wants to settle? Why don't you make yourself a 10 too by exercise and self maintenance. That may help...

    How's that for perspective?

    1. "If a woman wants to date you, she'll do it. Let her set her sights high and date guys that are 10's. What do you care? Who wants to settle? Why don't you make yourself a 10 too by exercise and self maintenance. That may help..."

      How's that for perspective, John?

      Stop thinking you can have it both ways! Remember that if the men want to date 10's, that they need to make themselves 10's as well! Stop thinking that the fat, unhygienic, bald dude in your ward is going to get the beautiful, put-together woman! It's not going to happen!

      And don't berate the woman for not dating him, when you would be cheering on the guy and applauding him for "not lowering his standards" if the roles were reversed!

      You're a fucking pathetic prick and it would honestly shock me if you found someone to marry.

  29. I think the comments on here show the many false assumptions within Mormon culture. Living under false assumptions can cause suffering for no good reason.

    False Assumptions:

    1. Being single is preparation for marriage.
    2. Being married is external proof that you have reached a point spiritually that God would trust you in a relationship with another person.
    3. All experiences that a single person has are not as important as the ones they will have when they are married and having children.
    4. You should change yourself to marry people who may not be compatible with you.
    5. Married people are happy, single people are unhappy.
    6. There is something wrong with being alone.
    7. Marrying a Mormon man is more important than marrying a man who is your equal.
    8. Reacting to your situation with socially unacceptable feelings is wrong.
    9. Marrying someone of another religion is worse than being single.
    10. You are not fully living the commandments if you are not striving to change your marital status. Being content as a single person while you are single is wrong.
    11. You have to marry the first serious relationship you have or you didn't try hard enough to make it work.
    12. If you break the law of chastity you need to marry that person.
    13. Getting married young and starting a family soon after is the ideal.
    14. It is wrong to empathize with people's trials in dating. If they have bad experiences in dating it is because there is something wrong with them.
    15. Single women covet everyone's marriage even if it's not the kind of marriage they would ever want for themselves.
    16. Married people have all of the answers on how to get married.
    17. If you're not married at 31 you are not fabulous.
    18. Being married is external proof that you are lovable and have value.
    19. Once you are married you are blessed with further light and knowledge that single people cannot comprehend.
    20. Getting married means that you shouldn't have relationship issues.
    21. Acting happy is better than being honest about your true feelings. If you feel bitter as a reaction to your life, you should stifle that emotion and feel something else. It is healthier to lie to yourself than it is to be human.
    22. Married people have nothing to learn from single people.
    23. If you have bad experiences dating Mormon men, you will have bad experiences dating all men.
    24. Married people are never bitter.
    25. If you are not married, it's because the men need to change to fit your standards.

    I think once people can overcome these assumptions and be more compassionate toward themselves and other people they will find happiness, married or not.

    Getting married is a part of life and so is having children, it is not a reward for good works. Being married does not necessarily mean that you are loved, happier, more content, or better than single people. Personal progress should be the goal, not marriage and a family.

    I think all of the women who seem bitter in their comments are allowed to feel that way. They are obviously under a lot of pressure to get married when they haven't met someone to marry. That kind of pressure can only breed resentment and produce experiences with no solutions.

    I blame the culture, and whether we like it or not, people are influenced and affected by their environments.

    To the married people who did not exercise empathy in their comments, you need to ask yourself why you are unable to empathize with bitterness and sorrow. If we all try to understand each other there would never be a reason to judge one another.

  30. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  31. I would like to comment on the lds men who are on these lds dating websites ages 50+we women invest our time and money to help us find a eternal parnter whether it be on the websites or at the church activties,they are not doing there part by asking us out, they dont even give you the time of day . what are you looking for?there are so many great woman out there in all different sizes,yet they dont respond to messages, give us a chance stop being so picky about how we look a good woman comes in all sizes.Im so tired of these lds men who are so picky oh she doesnt look perfect you should be ashamed of yourself thats why we lds woman go looking outside the church becasue your not doing your job men get with it . its time we lds women speak up

  32. Um. "good women come in all sizes"

    No matter how you cut the cake, fat women will be last in the dating order.

    A good girl who is skinny will win over a great girl who is fat ANY DAY OF THE WEEK.

    Remember how we learn that we need to "become the person we want to marry"

    That goes for PHYSICAL ATTRACTION as well.

    1. "That goes for PHYSICAL ATTRACTION as well."

      Um. You do realize that women look at physical attraction as well, right? And that they have every right to marry a man that they themselves find physically attractive? And that they have every right to NOT date men they're not attracted to?

      You men with the unrealistic standards you place upon women cannot have it both ways. I cannot tell you the number of singles wards I've been in where I've seen beautiful, put-together women drowning in a sea of fat, unkempt, balding men who think of themselves as God's gift to women. It's so frustrating to see fat, unkempt, balding men with questionable hygiene strutting around church, FHE, Institute, and singles activities and conferences acting as though the women in the Victoria's Secret catalogue are definitely in their league. Not to mention their entitled attitude of, "You must work hard and do everything you can to keep me satisfied, and you can't have anything less than the body of a supermodel, but I don't have to do the same for you."

      Newsflash, John: If you want the women to make themselves more physically attracted to you, then you need to offer them the same courtesy. Take a shower and use soap. Comb your hair (or, if you're lacking in the hair department, invest in some Rogaine, Viviscal, or hair plugs). If you have facial hair, keep it properly groomed and don't go into neckbeard territory. Brush your teeth. Go to the gym. Wear clothes that are ironed, properly tailored, that look nice, and that actually fit you. Don't show up to FHE and Institute in your sweatpants and ratty T-shirt.

      Most importantly: Stop holding women to unrealistic standards. If you don't have the body of a Calvin Klein model, then don't demand that the women in your ward look like Victoria's Secret angels.

  33. Dear anonymous,

    I'm sorry you are struggling with dating right now. I know the feeling. I recently went to a cousin's weddin and got asked 5 times by close family when I was getting married! I am not extremely old by any means but it really wears on a person. I think we were built to be with someone we can rely on day in and day out. My view is I just have to do what makes me happy. We cannot change the actions of others.

    By learning more and more ways to improve ourselves we get that much closer to our dreams and goals. Men do have very serious physical attraction issues that are natural and inate. Guys need that physical fulfillment. Most guys also like ladies that are willing. Willing meaning: open to adapt and try new things, or just go along. That is why the guy plans the date and such.

    Happy hunting.

  34. Holy cow... I'll put my two cents in. Dating is hard and marriage is too. I was married at 21 and divorced by 28. I'm now single and looking for a husband. Here is what I found out with my dating experance. I had a hard time dating when I was in my teens and early 20s. Because of that I married a very confused RM he was deseatful and is really gay. However the church does not like that he lives a lie every day. My ex husband is a truely bad man even the laws of the land say so... I have every right to be hateful and resentful towards the church and twards Mormon men... I'm not I see these wonderful men married to these wonderful woman and gives me hope that some day, maybe not in this life but I will have those same blessings to be married once again to a worthy Mormon man. I have dated a few men who are Lds and a few that are not and a few that are inactive since my divorce three years ago. They are men. They love beautiful woman and they want to be loved. However we all have our free agency... Thus makes it hard. You can't make some one love you no matter how much you love them, take my exhusband for exsample. I have found that Mormon men do shy away from older woman do to the fact that the younger ones are more happy more optimistic more sure of themselves and they can feel happy and excited about the church too. That's awesome and great for some it works out great take my two sisters and cousin for an exsample. Also the guys that I've dated have all had some kind of morality issue Lds or not. Sex drives men sometimes to make bad choices women also fall into that boat. Because the Lds church doesn't like members to have sex before marriage the older the guy is the harder it gets to stay "clean". I'm looked over by the Lds Mormon men because I have been married have a kid and I'm over 30. However that doesn't mean I will not find a Mormon man it just makes the dating more interesting. I had one Mormon man tell me that I needed to get married fast so I could have more kids. I wasn't getting younger and that he wouldn't want to date me because of my age. Wow what a shallow man... Another Mormon man just wants to be friends with benifits... His reasoning is this well i'm looking for that perfect hot girl that has awesome moral values that will make the perfect mother of my child but I want to have sex with you intell I find her... Also I dated a Mormon man who was awesome and was good to me. We were not right for eachother we both moved on he is now married in the temple. I dated a non Mormon man and he was sweet kind and very caring respectful my values and my Mormon church. We went our seprate ways because we had different iterests. I dated another non mormon man he had the same views as the Lds guy with friends with benifits. Wow crazy. I have found in my dating that there are guys that are so lazy that they are scum of the earth. It doesn't matter if they are Lds or not... There are wonderful awesome men who are not Lds that would make awesome and in some cases make better husbands then Mormon men. But that goes back to free agency... Who we are as a person is so much more important then who we think we need or what we want. Who we decide who we are directly dictates who we marry good or bad. It's harder for othersmy self inclued. I keep possitive and think heavnly fathers plan is so much better then what I can even imagine for my self.

    1. I have known for years that I am not fit to be a husband and never will be. Now I feel better about being a celibate recluse.

    2. I have known for years that I am not fit to be a husband and never will be. Now I feel better about being a celibate recluse.

    3. FUCK! You should go back to school. You spell like a moron.

  35. Fun blog. Here's a little more to chew on:

  36. Ha ha funny but sooo true. BTY Mr. Perfect already married Ms. Perfect long ago.

  37. Have you heard of the Mormon Bachelorette show? We thought you might enjoy the show!

    I recently got an amazing opportunity to work on the film crew of the Mormon Bachelorette. The crew consists of only about 10 volunteers. Since the project is all volunteer, the crew is trying to earn some income by starting a blog to accompany the third season. If you could please help support us by liking our facebook page and clicking on our blog page at

    Check the episodes at ""

    Remember to subscribe to, and follow us/like us on Twitter and Facebook!

  38. Honestly y'all are all comical .
    Sadly dating sucks. Period .

  39. I'm staying single because I am fat, ugly, working poor, horribly jaded, self depreciating, dont trust other Mormons, over 34, never dated in my life and tired of LDS Women blaming me for there problems and having attitudes because they think it makes them strong.

  40. Gee, John, I really hope you yourself are a 10. Otherwise, that would extremely hypocritical of you to lecture the women of how they must be perfect 10's and in great physical shape for men to pay attention to them.

    I am so sick of these loser men lecturing women about how perfect they need to be, while not doing anything to improve themselves. Get off your high horse, John and look within on ways you can improve yourself instead of judging other people.

    And I agree with WhitneyRae: Brittany/Britt and the other Anonymous fighting with each other need to get over themselves.
